A story.


He was always there these days,
in her dreams,
hidden behind her eyes. 
Waiting quietly for the still moments,
the unsuspecting moments when suddenly 
he was all she could see or smell or hear.
The memory of him was slowly consuming her.

She had left him.
But he had not left her.


Ellen said...

mmmmmm...thank yo Ciara for this moment of imagingin

Martin said...

Such a heady blend of words and image. I like it.

Sara said...

"...hidden behind her eyes..." I know that feeling.

Anonymous said...

Pardon my intrusion. I simply stumbled upon your site inadvertently. Your words honestly hurt to read. I wish for you to accept that as a compliment! Poetry has a way with me as no other literary form... you are a poet! By the way, I have lived in both Cork and Dublin. I still live by the sea but on another continent.

Kind wishes,

Anonymous said...

Sorry Miss,
I forgot to mention that I have 5 children... 3 boys and obviously 2 girls. Never a dull moment here!

Ciara Brehony said...

@Brandon Dean, I'm only seeing this comment now!, So sorry.
Thank you for your sweet words, you're very kind. :-)